Course Creators Pay Attention! Here’s 5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Making You Sales

After marketing more than 300 online courses, with some making more than $10million, some $1million, and watching some fail, here’s a few lessons I’ve learnt…

1. You have too many products to choose from

Just because you’ve created lots of online courses, doesn’t mean your going to make sales while you sleep.

A confused mind always says no… so instead of having lots of options, replace with just 2.

2. You’re selling the features of your course, rather than addressing the pain points of your customers

No one cares that you have 50+ modules and 6 ebooks for them to read. They only care about how this offer will help them win and overcome their previous failures

3. Your offer seems complicated

If you’re going to appeal to the masses, you have to make the steps to success seem easy! Break down your course offering into 3-12 steps that anyone can do!

4. You’re not driving enough traffic to your site

Courses don’t typically fail because they don’t work, courses simply fail because they don’t have enough people visit the website to see what they are all about.

A good online course will only covert between 2-5% of all visitors.

That means if you have a $500 course and want to make $1million, you need 2,000 customers, and therefore at least 40,000 people visiting your website.

More than likely, you’re not going to get that from organic traffic from your social media. Therefore paid advertising is your only option to grow. Be prepared to invest if you want a return.

5. You aren’t creating urgency for people to buy now

The 2 greatest sales strategies are still URGENCY and SCARCITY. Your success lies in your ability to create that urgency with your customer so they know they can’t just “think about it” forever.

If you aren’t using promo codes, countdown timers, flash sales and limited intakes, you’re missing out.

So it’s time to rethink your strategy and implement some of these techniques to grow your online course sales.

Dave Benson

Dave Benson

Dave Benson

Dave is an internationally recognised Digital Marketing Guru and Sales and Marketing Coach based in Australia, but serving clients across the world. Dave started his career in car sales for Holden in Sydney in 2001 and quickly became one of Australia’s youngest Sales Managers, before moving to the role of National Sales Trainer for Mitsubishi Motors Australia and then starting his own sales training company in 2015 and Digital Marketing Agency in 2017. He is the author of the best selling book 100 Days of Sales Greatness and is the founder of the Sales Hustlers car salesman movement which has more than 14,000 members from 11 countries and runs a yearly conference “Hustle & Grind” with more than 500 attendees each year in Orlando Florida.